Healthy Equations

There are more numbers in fitness than you can shake your booty at.

There are calorie counts, reps and sets, intervals, days per week, scales and weight. It's daunting, but may I introduce a few new equations?

Have you heard of the 90/10 rule? This rule states that, when it comes to weight loss, 90% of the work is accomplished through diet and only 10% is achieved by exercise. There isn't a lot of documented research on this principle, but plenty of experiential evidence. Think about it…

If you eat a Big Mac with cheese, about 700 calories, it will take approximately a 6-7 mile run to burn off those calories. A Big Mac occasionally is absolutely OK, but if you routinely eat a fast food, or unhealthy diet, you will need to practically live in the gym to achieve your weight loss goals.

Who wants to live in the gym anyway? There is so much life to live and time to spend with family and friends and enjoying hobbies. Is a fast food diet really worth the extra work it demands to lose weight? Additionally, no amount of exercise will convert French fries, soda or Snickers into quality, energy efficient nutrients for your body. Even if your tongue isn't, your cells are crying out for fresh fruit, whole grains and veggies. I promise they will reward you if you feed them well.

So, we've established that 90% of weight loss is diet. What about the last 10%? Have you ever heard of skinny-fat? I know you've seen it. This is the "lucky" person with "skinny-genes" who has never attempted a pushup. Her arms dangle from her shirt sleeves like green beans. Or, it's the successful Weight Watchers graduate who happily hit her target weight but wonders why she isn't toned and can't see her triceps.

The final 10% will bring out your biceps, sculpt your shoulders and whittle your middle. You'll never see the lines and definition you desire with out a pushup, squat or jog. If you want 100% success you have to put the two together! The guaranteed success is worth the work!
